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🐳 Docker installation


Generate config.rb file using cryap init

./cryap init --docker

then edit it to your liking - domain should be set to the URL you will be hosting the instance itself at. Once you've started an instance, do not change the url settings after that. - Database.setup is where you set up password for neo4j Database. Don't forget to change the default password. If you're a little lazy to think of something, you can generate a random one using this command: openssl rand -hex 32 - Media.setup is where you set up the way your instance treats remote media.


There is a for the use with production-ready instances. Copy it and edit according to your needs.

cp docker-compose.yml
      NEO4J_AUTH: neo4j/password

This is where you put the password that you set up in the config.rb file.

Install pagination plugin

mkdir -p db/plugins && cd db/plugins
curl -o neo4j-pagination.jar

Now that everything is set up, you can simply run docker-compose up -d

Once the instance is up and running you can use Semaphore to access it from the web (since Cryap doesn't have its own frontend as of right now and it is compatible with mastodon api) or, for that matter, any mastodon api compatible client.